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Sifi Common Fields/Conventions

Many of the swap and bridge functions, including the Warp Link and Stateless use parameters with common fields. This page describes those fields.


  • tokenIn: The input token, or zero address for native
  • tokenOut: The output/settlement token, or zero address for native
  • recipient: Address where tokenOut will be sent
  • amountIn: Amount of input tokens user will send. For the native token, msg.value must equal amountIn
  • amountOut: Amount of tokens the user was quoted/is expecting
  • slippageBps: How much less amountOut the user is willing to accept in BPs. 1 = 0.01%, 10 = 0.10%
  • partner: The address of the partner, or the zero address for no partner
  • feeBps: The fee to charge for this swap in BPs, or zero. 1 = 0.01%, 10 = 0.10%
  • deadline: The tx will revert if deadline is in the past

The partner address

When partner is specified, any fee charged for the swap/bridge is split between the protocol and partner. Any positive slippage not delivered to the user is also split between the protocl and the partner.

If a feeBps is specified but no partner is specified, the entire fee benefits the protocol.

Any valid Ethereum address can be specified as the partner. The partner can claim its fees using functions on the StarVault facet

The native token

The native token (ETH for Ethereum, AVAX for Avalanche, etc), is represented with the zero address (0x00..)

FooMethod vs FooMethodPermit

Sifi supports the Permit2 standard, which allows the caller to pass a permit instead of an approval. This allows users to approve the Permit2 contract once and use permit signatures for all future calls.

  • The FooMethod uses classic ERC-20 allowance. The caller must approve the Sifi contract to spend amountIn of tokenIn before the call.
  • The FooMethodPermit method uses Permit2. The caller must approve the Permit2 contract and construct a permit allowing the Sifi contract to spend amountIn of tokenIn.

When tokenIn is the native token (zero address), permits cannot be used.