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The following functions are optimized to bridge with Stargate using as little gas as possible.

See Conventions for common fields.

See the Stargate Docs for chain and pool identifiers.


Bridge exactly amountIn of of the native token using Stargate.

struct JumpNativeParams {
* The amount in is passed to distinguish the amount to bridge from the fee
uint160 amountIn;
* The amount the user was quoted. Used to calculate the minimum acceptable
* amount of tokens to receive.
uint160 amountOutExpected;
address recipient;
uint16 slippageBps;
uint16 feeBps;
uint48 deadline;
address partner;
uint16 dstChainId;
uint8 srcPoolId;
uint8 dstPoolId;

function stargateJumpNative(JumpNativeParams calldata params) external payable;


Bridge exactly amountIn of token using Stargate.

struct JumpTokenParams {
address token;
uint160 amountIn;
* The amount the user was quoted. Used to calculate the minimum acceptable
* amount of tokens to receive.
uint160 amountOutExpected;
address recipient;
uint16 slippageBps;
uint16 feeBps;
uint48 deadline;
address partner;
uint16 dstChainId;
uint8 srcPoolId;
uint8 dstPoolId;

function stargateJumpToken(
JumpTokenParams calldata params,
PermitParams calldata permit
) external payable;

function stargateJumpTokenPermit(
JumpTokenParams calldata params,
PermitParams calldata permit
) external payable;